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Health Protector
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Health protector offers a health protection cover for you and your family for any illness, disease or injury


  • 121 Surgical procedures covered without 24 hours of hospitalization
  • Automatic restoration of Sum Insured
  • Hospitalization treatment for less than 24 hours covered under specified circumstances
  • Emergency Additional Services at no extra cost
  • Option of double the Sum Insured in case of critical illness
  • Non-allopathic treatment is also covered up to the limit of sum Insured
  • Tax rebate available as per provision of Income Tax Rules under section 80-D
Title Description
Room Rent Limit Up to 1.75% of sum insured
ICU Daily Rent Limit Up to 3% of sum insured
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses 45 days
Post Hospitalization Expenses 60 days
Minimum Hospitalization Period 24 hrs
Day Care Procedure Coverage 121 procedures covered
Additional Cover for Critical Illness Optional
Automatic Restoration of Sum Insured Option, can be avail by paying additional premium
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage After 48 months of continuous coverage
Waiting Period for New Policy 30 days
Co-Payment up to 20% in case of second and subsequent claims are there
Free Health Checkup Up to 1% of sum insured, payable once after 4 consecutive claim free years
Ambulance Expenses Up to 1% of sum insured, Max 2500
Non-Allopathic Treatments Covered, up to sum insured
Daily Hospitalization Allowance Up to 0.2%
No Claim Bonus Up to 5% of sum insured, Max 50%